
Preventing To be infected HIV

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus believed to cause AIDS. When someone has HIV (is HIV+), their body has a hard time fighting off infections and diseases. Anybody can get HIV.

You should know that at least 20% of people who find out they have AIDS are in their 20s. These people probably got HIV when they were in high school, because it can take years for an HIV+ person to develop AIDS.

HIV is transmitted from one person to another when certain body fluids are mixed-blood (including menstrual blood), semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk.
This is how you can get HIV:

* having vaginal or anal "intercourse" without a condom
* licking someone's clit or dick without a condom or plastic wrap
* sharing needles
* from mother to child during pregnancy, birth, and breast feeding
* receiving a blood transfusion (luckily HIV is rarely transmitted this way anymore)

You can't get HIV from:
* kissing, sweat, tears
* hugging
* food
* toilet seats
* swimming pools
* giving blood

HIV is a virus, and viruses don't discriminate. It doesn't matter who you are -- gay, straight, or bisexual -- you can get HIV if you have unsafe sex.

What matters is how you do what you do.
There is no cure for AIDS, but there are treatments. People with AIDS often take a combination of prescription drugs that may reduce the amount of virus in their bodies. Taking the drugs as prescribed is important, as the virus can build resistance. No long-term information is known. Some people do not benefit from these treatments.

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