
Sex and Mysterious G-spot

All of us know that proper stimulation of erogenous zones is extremely important for achieving orgasm. Generally speaking, each of us knows what erogenous zones are and where they can be found. Most people interested in sex theory and practice are aware of the fact that there is some mysterious zone in female body called the G spot, which if stimulated properly provides a very intensive orgasm.

The G-spot is a quite often discussed nowadays, but in spite of this topic's popularity almost no one can explain what this miraculous zone is and how it should be stimulated. Let us try to lift the veil of secrecy from this recently discovered erogenous zone.

The G-spot was discovered in the forties of the previous century by famous German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg. However, this discovery had been unnoticed for quite considerable amount of time. Only in the eighties of the 20-th century when American sexologists repeatedly found this female erogenous zone and acknowledged its existence, this topic began being discussed by scientists. Many doctors still deny this spot’s existence, whereas other ones give extremely discrepant information on the G-spot function and location.

So, according to today's scientific data, the G-spot lies behind the front wall of the vagina. Depending on a woman's body individual features it can be placed within about 1-2 inches inside the vagina, sometimes even deeper. It is a tiny, bean-shaped area which when stimulated swells and becomes as big as a nubbin. Actually, the G-spot's size when aroused considerably varies from woman to woman (according to some data the G-spot can become as big as a button). The researches have shown that vaginal area where the G-spot lies is not quite sensitive; therefore quite intensive stimulation should be applied for search of this erogenous zone. Usually such stimulation is nearly impossible during usual intercourse that is why most women even do not suppose they have the G-spot which can provide them with a great enjoyment they never experienced before.

How to find the G-spot?
This is not quite easy when being calm and not aroused. If you want to find your partner’s G spot than you had better begin this quite difficult search during foreplay when your girlfriend is about to cum or has just orgasmed, i.e when her G-spot is swelled.
Your girlfriend should lie with her legs apart. Insert two fingers into the vagina and examine the area lying behind the pubic zone. Ask your partner suggest in what manner you should move your fingers. You must find a little solid nubbin approximately as big as a pea (it may be a little bigger) which when pressed might cause discomfort in the woman. Such sensations quite soon turn into increasing arousal which usually results in a very strong orgasm.

How to stimulate the G-spot?
The G-spot is quite difficult to stimulate effectively during usual intercourse, unless the male partner has a little crooked penis.

Usually horsewoman position is recommended for a better G-spot stimulation, because while performing intercourse in this position a woman can easily control her partner's motions.
However, the best effect is achieved when the G-spot is stimulated with help of specially designed sex toys.
All adult toys designed for the G-spot stimulation feature crooked shaft. Some of these toys for adults can be as thin as a pencil, whereas other ones are quite thick. They can be both short and long.

When choosing a G-spot adult toy you should take into consideration your own physiological features. You can choose a relatively long massager, if your G-spot is placed quite deeply, but if it is near the entrance to the vagina, than perhaps you should choose a shorter sex toy.

Do you need an intense stimulation? Than you had better choose a considerably bent vibrator, and on the contrary, those who prefer gentle stimulation should choose a slightly crooked G-spot massager.

The material your adult toy is made of is also very important. The massager can be made of plastic, metal or latex. Such a device can be used for less sensitive or deeply placed G spot. But if your G-spot is sensitive enough, than you had better get a softer vibrator, for example one made of silicone, or a so called jelly massager.

All G-spot vibrators feature a few speeds to help you choose a device suitable exactly for you.
Some men think that search of the G-spot is foolish and unnecessary. Is there any use persuading them that they are wrong?

It is known that men in most cases achieve orgasm, whereas almost no woman gets the desired pleasure every time she has sex, to say nothing of those who do not orgasm at all. Therefore everything that helps women enjoy sexual relationships must be applied by their loving partners. Women do deserve orgasms!

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